
Friday, April 27, 2012

And we're back....

A very dear friend suggested that I start back up on some blogging again....and it got a few "likes" on Facebook. I guess that means that people were actually reading some of my wedding and life ramblings. So I decided to take a whack at it again.

Since my last post over a year ago, Griff was promoted from Lieutenant to Captain, we found out that we are going to be in Montana another year and he has gone on training trips twice (as I type, I'm sitting in a hotel like room in Alabama). And for me, well I'm no longer working and unless you've been living under a rock you already know that I get to be a mama in September. Or maybe October. We'll see when this kid decides to make his or her debut.

And what better time then now to show Baby H's first photo.

Baby H- due September 25, 2012!

Do you think it looks like us? A little city girl or country boy in the making. At about 10 weeks in this ultrasound, there's some legs and some arms in there somewhere and a defined head and facial features. And if you could see the flips this kid was doing. Griff says that the baby was just practicing some ninja skills.

But we're about 8 1/2 weeks beyond that first glimpse and there is a lot that has happened in between.
Ah, the stories that I could tell. I promise...I'll keep it PG. Welcome to our journey!

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