
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Praying to the Weatherman

If there is one thing that every bride obesses over for their wedding, no matter what the season is, it's probably the weather. No matter how much you plan, organize, and pay attention to details, the weather is one thing that you just can't control.

Here in Montana, we are experiencing very unusual weather. For the past 3 weeks, we have only had about 3 or 4 days where the temperature has dipped below 60 degrees. And I am praying that Connecticut will be experiencing some unusual weather as well.

I knew what I was getting myself into when I booked our wedding on the first weekend of November. The weather can often be far different from that of October. It's like November hits and BOOM! You are in for a surprise. Last year, it was still beautiful far into November. There were still leaves on the trees and everything was fine and dandy. But could this year be a different story?

With 22 more days to go, isn't ready to report their predictions for our day just yet. And the Farmer's Almanac...well let's just say that for the week of the wedding, they are reporting everything from rain to sunshine, cold temperatures to warm temperatures. So who do I trust?

At this point in time, there's only one person I can every night, I get down on my knees and I pray to the all knowing Weatherman, asking Him to bring me the beautiful day that I hope is in store for November 5th. And if that's not what He wants to give me, I fully plan on taking advantage of the awesome pictures my photographer might be able to give me out of a dismal day.

Of course, only the weather would be dismal...we're still going to have one heck of a party!

1 comment:

  1. you will have gorgeous weather! I'm praying for you!!!! :)
