
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Coupons? Yes please!

I can remember going grocery shopping with my mom when I was a little girl and she would pull out that infamous coupon organizer. Instantniously I would groan. Like it was a natural reaction. I vowed never to carry one of those coupon organizers to the grocery store.

Fast forward 18 years. My sister and I are no longer sharing toys or clothes (well she often didn't know that she was sharing clothes) and we are now sharing coupon sites and discussing how to get the most of out each of our shopping trips. Leave it to TLC's new show to throw us into the crazy conundrum of extreme couponing. 

I am determined to be the lady who gets $646 worth of groceries for $6.46. Ok, so maybe I'm not going to be that crazy but man that sure would be nice.

But this could get addicting. Take for instance my recent shopping day. Starting with Walgreen's I walked in armed with my coupons that were clipped from the Sunday paper and my weekly circular. I purchased $120 worth of items (including 3 things of laundry detergent, 4 bottles of shampoo, and razors for Griff) and walked out of there spending $63 with coupons totaling $11 off a future purchase. 

I instantly called the hubs and made him guess how much I saved.

Me: Hun, guess how much money I just saved at Walgreens?

Hubs: {obviously busy doing something else} How much?

Me: Just guess!

Hubs: $5

Me: What? $5? No guess again.


Me: Ok fine...{jumping up and down in the parking lot}$50!!!!!!

Hubs: {still obviously doing something else} That's nice.

Someday he'll get just as excited as I did.

Albertsons (our local grocery store) was much of the same story. I purchased $100 in meat including pork, chicken, and steaks and only paid $50. And I'm talking like over 16 lbs. I didn't even bother calling home.

Needless to say, I'm hooked. So maybe my garage won't look like this

{How much BBQ sauce and tuna do these people honestly eat?}
but  I will strive for this

{$0 for cereal? Count me in!}
I guess I'll have to just eat my words about never carrying around a coupon organizer...maybe i can make mine really cute...

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