
Friday, April 1, 2011

Well folks, I did it...

Please Note: This is not an April Fools joke. Everything that you will read from here on down is totally true.

Well folks, I did it. The big PWC (thanks for the acronym Em!)...the Post Wedding Chop. 9 inches of those long flowing locks came off last night and I have to say, it feels good! A little liberating and a little scary all at the same time. But it was time. So here you go...before and after!


{Long and flowing! I'd take back the Hawaii part of this pic, not the hair.}


{Not a good pic since it was taken with my phone but it will have to do.}

I love it. It took me 10 minutes to dry it this morning and I even contemplated not using the flat iron. Imagine that. Now will I love it 2 weeks from now? We'll just have to see!

P.S.  I know. I need to get better at this blogging thing. I have a few things up my sleeve so I think this post just might have been the motivation to get back at it.